At a time when bad loans reaches historical values and that banking through many difficulties to recover this huge amount of money lent, access to new loans is increasingly difficult, rigorous, bureaucratic and as a result, slow.
Still, before the various options of access to existing financing on the market there are slower than others and that is what we will try to inform our readers in today's article. As such, then, and in ascending order of speed (for the slowest but fast) access to credit, let's move on to list the various financing options that markets offer.
The list in ascending order to obtain fast loans:
1 Loans in public financial institutions (banks like CGD, Millenium BCP, Banco Espirito Santo, Santander Totta, etc.)
These institutions are normally slower and bureaucratic and moreover are that currently have large amounts of bad loans, as such, access to new loans at these institutions as well as being increasingly difficult is also more bureaucratic, rigorous and as a result slow.
Still, we digress, and alerted to the fact that there is an option in this type of financial institutions that may be a good solution for their speed, especially if the loan you want to be a lower amount: credit cards. We recommend you check with the bank you normally work with to know the conditions for membership of a credit card, as this type of loan you usually basnate be fast.
2 Loans in online credit institutions and by phone (institutions of the kind of Cofidis, Cetelem, Flexibom, Unibanco, etc.)
These institutions normally are faster than normal credit institutions, they are companies that grant credit more easily, without much rigor, with less bureaucracy, but as a result, with higher interest rates.
Such institutions, moreover, self-styled as fast loans companies using slogans in their marketing campaigns such as "credit in 48 hours." If you want to know more about these institutions click the following link that we provided: online loans.
3 Finally, those we judge to be the best option for those looking for a quick loan is the solution we have written here on the blog, private loans. If you want to know more information on this type of loan, click the link above and start your search there on this type of loans.
We hope that once again have helped dispel some doubts in this case, about the best solutions for fast loans.