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Friday, September 19, 2014

payday loan companies

It is common to delay the bills or have financial plans involving purchases with a high value. So what to do in such times? The best alternative at least the most popular nowadays is to make loans, which can be made directly in banks when you are an account holder or directly with a loan company.

There is a difference between credit and loan to be informed. Open credit is when you want to buy a specific thing like a house, car, bike or a greater good and for that you will not get the money specifically, but a letter of credit and thus to make the purchase, such as a check. The fee is charged on fixed installments and interest has somewhat smaller than in the case of loans. Already loans are what the name suggests: a financial borrow, which acts as a bank for payment in fixed installments with interest a bit higher than the credit.

Nowadays, loan companies ride gaining much market space. The request for credit in Brazil is increasing and several companies in the financial sector are on the market behind other institutions seeking customers to obtain credit cards or loans. These clients may consist of pensioners, hired by CLT, retirees or businessmen. So having a company in this line of activity is an alternative for many who want to undertake.

If you want to get into this field of endeavor, know that might be making a good choice. Can be a good investment to open a loan company, because there is demand in the market and guaranteed return. Most work with credit for retirees and receives money directly from the bank, which will already deduct from the monthly salary credit or loan requester. Here's how to open a loan company and tips on how to invest in your venture.

Competition and target audience of a loan company

Your target audience could not have been wider, it is composed of all who need loan. However, it is limited to those who can pay for it and you need to make a credit assessment, to see if the customer is unable to pay the amount in question. No wonder that most loan companies that are operating in this sector seek to offer services only to pensioners, retirees and civil servants, because they have money back guarantee and by agreement with the Financial amount of installments is already discounted in leaf .

Market competition is not the least because many entrepreneurs have already invested in the business and there are already large established brands on the national scene, but can still be a good option. However, it takes a little more study on the market which you plan to enter. In some neighborhoods can be a space to open a business loan, but remember that banks are also their competitors and well trusted brand for having consolidation in the market for over years and have strength for confidence in a bank. It is important to assess this because if a customer has to walk into a bank with over twenty years in the market or a loan company that just opened in the market, even if interest rates are lower, it may not take that into consideration.

Documentation required to open a loan company

To open a loan company the cool part is very important. One tip is to look for a competent accountant to help you make all the legalization of the company in all its phases, which last about two months to get everything and costs on average £ 2000. You need to make a Social Contract in accordance with Brazilian law, with one or more business owners, requesting a legal entity and everything that is connected to it, making registration at City Hall as a financial institution and other small documents related to space as permit fire and health surveillance.

It is important to know that all Financial, which is the business that you want to open, should be incorporated as a company and a corporation in its corporate name must include the Credit, Financing and Investment expression. A loan company, as an institution in the financial area, must have the record with the fancy name without bear the name "bank" so that it is not necessary authorization from the Central Bank for her to be in full swing. Moreover, they may not be in the social object some services, such as receipts and payments of deposits, savings, investments, redemptions in mutual funds and even activities of agreements to provide services.